Sound familiar?: Think Obamacare and the Democrat regime.

more excerpts from:
The EU is ignoring the will of the people
Poll after poll tells us that the British people do not want to be signed up to the Lisbon treaty, but our political masters carry on regardless, says Nigel Farage.
By Nigel Farage
Published: 2:42PM GMT 06 Mar 2009
[Nigel Farage is the leader of UKIP, the UK Independence Party]
"Poll after poll tells us that the British people do not want to be signed up to the Lisbon treaty, that if there was that referendum we were promised then the result would be a resounding no. Polls with a slightly different question, should we leave the EU altogether, also show a majority in favour of leaving the integrationists to their own devices. We’ll be quite happy trading with everyone, co-operating where necessary and desirable, but we don’t want to be part of this political union: the only form of Europe that is currently on offer. The majority are eurosceptics but unfortunately most politicians disagree with their own voters."
"The political classes do not think that they are there to do as the people want; the aim is to get the people to do as the politicians want."
"We believe, and polls back us up in this belief, that the majority of people in this country wish to work with the EU on many issues – they just don’t want to be part of a political union. That is the essential position that must be debated, not dismissed by being linked to thuggish extremists."
David Cameron must still hold a EU referendum, Tories say
(excerpts below from Nov 2009 article)
David Cameron must still hold a referendum on Britain’s wider relationship with the European Union even after abandoning a promise of a vote on the Lisbon Treaty, Tory eurosceptics have said.
By James Kirkup, Political Correspondent
Published: 5:31PM GMT 03 Nov 2009
"Instead of a referendum on Lisbon, Mr Cameron will promise to renegotiate some parts of the EU rulebook, arguing that control over some social and employment rules must be returned to the UK."
"European lawyers say that repatriating powers from the EU is extremely difficult, because it would require the unanimous agreement of all 26 other member-states."
Once the "member-states" hand political and legal power over to "the Federation", it is exceedingly difficult for any individual member-state to get their power back (without formally seceding from "the union"). Sound familiar?
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