A controversial speaker is returning to UNC to finish his talk that was cut short in April [2009] by a broken window and a conflict between protestors and police.The speaker — former U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo. — will be hosted by UNC’s chapter of Youth for Western Civilization on April 26 in the Student Union Auditorium. In the past year, the conservative student group has brought a number of speakers to campus who were met with protests.
Tancredo ended last year’s talk after only five minutes when a window in the classroom he was in broke. Beforehand, he was confronted by protestors.
Daryl Ann Dunigan, president of UNC’s chapter of YWC, said the group wanted to give Tancredo a chance to finish last year’s intended talk, which she said will focus on the question, “Is western civilization worth saving?” She added that University administrators and the UNC Department of Public Safety are preparing for the event.
Below are some interesting, different "journalistic" views concerning what happened the last time Tancredo tried to speak at UNC, in April 2009. The WTVD news story excerpted below is factual and presents video clips made at the time; compare it to the "blogs" after it that report what happened. I have italicized and placed in red any Lefty code words used to spin the information about what occured in 2009.
UNC protest gets rowdy
Thursday, April 16, 2009
"UNC announced Thursday it is investigating the student protest that got out of hand Tuesday night on the UNC Chapel Hill campus.
Dozens of protesters turned out to oppose a speech given by a former Colorado congressman, who was on campus to speak against illegal immigration.
The former congressman once ran for president on a platform firmly against illegal immigration. He was invited to UNC to deliver a speech opposing in-state tuition benefits to illegal immigrants.
Protesters interrupted his speech, stretching out a banner in front of him that read, "No one is illegal." Tancredo grabbed the banner and confronted one of the people holding it.
Then there was the sound of glass shattering. A window was broken by more opponents outside. As the situation escalated, Tancredo left.
Those who went to hear him speak were clearly upset. ""Obviously there wasn't a point," one attendee said. "He wasn't going to be allowed to speak."
Defining the line between free speech and hate speech
by Daniel H. Pollitt
April 22, 2009
"Last week, several members of the newly formed Youth for Western Civilization invited Tom Tancredo to the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill to speak against permitting undocumented immigrants to enter state community colleges on the same basis as other North Carolina high school graduates. Former Congressman Tancredo was invited because of his well-known nativist views against immigration.
A hostile crowd of protesters thwarted his speech with catcalls and placards. Someone threw a rock and smashed a window. Campus police cleared the protesters with pepper spray. Tancredo quietly slipped away..."
"Quietly slipped away"? As Campus Security were ushering Tancredo through the mob of violent protestors, his toe got broken in the scuffle. Furthermore, Pollitt referring to illegal aliens as simply "undocumented immigrants" is like referring to drug-dealers as "unlicensed pharmacists."
Because of the popularity of the movie "The Gangs of New York", open-border Lefties like to use the word "nativists" as a perjorative for conservative patriots---and they often smear them as being against immigration; which is not the case. There is a big difference between someone promoting controlled-immigration and someone opposing all immigration.
Before reading the radical-marxist version of what happened the last time Tancredo tried to speak, below is an excerpt from the YWC website's "About" page (the group that invited Tancredo to speak at UNC). Does this student organization seem racist, dangerous, and unAmerican to you?
Youth for Western Civilization was incorporated in 2006 and began actively organizing in 2008. The founder was Kevin DeAnna, a graduate student at American University.
Since then, Youth for Western Civilization has stirred up debate on controversial issues like illegal immigration, multiculturalism and classical education that were thought to be driven off college campuses. YWC stands alone in challenging the dogmatic left-wing orthodoxy of American higher education.
Youth for Western Civilization is a 501c(3) non-profit educational foundation. All contributions are tax deductible.
Below is a reporting from one of the typical radical protestors that was involved. It was originally posted at Fight Back! News, but the marxist website that reposted the story is one that every American patriot should take a look at...so they know who is promoting the big push for amnesty.
Protesters were right to shut down the racist Tancredo
April 26, 2009
by Kosta Harlan is from Fight Back! News:
"Students at University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill made national headlines last week when they confronted the racist ex-congressman Tom Tancredo. 200 students marched, shouted down, or silently protested Tancredo. When 60 students chanted in the lobby of the building where he was to speak, police attacked the demonstration with pepper spray. Two women were thrown to the floor, another protester had her hair pulled by a cop and several people were pushed into the walls. The police drove the students out by threatening them with tasers. Shortly after we were pushed out, a window was broken and the event was shut down.
Thousands of articles, commentaries, and editorials have been written on this event. Most of it is a waste of everyone’s time. In typical mainstream media fashion, most of the coverage has completely turned reality on its head. Like Malcolm X would have said, they make the victim look like the villain and the oppressors look like the oppressed.
These ‘respectable’ ruling class commentators – who incidentally don’t give a damn about the most basic human rights of 11 million undocumented immigrants, or the respect and dignity they deserve as human beings – assume the absolute right of racists like Tancredo to say or do whatever they want, anywhere they want. But the minute the oppressed fight back, some kind of horrendous crime against ‘democracy’ and ‘free speech’ has been committed!
So let’s get some things straight.
Tancredo was invited by a new right-wing, racist organization, Youth for Western Civilization (YWC). Who is YWC? Their mission statement says they work “to create a culture that will promote the survival of Western Civilization and pride in Western heritage.” Compare that to the Ku Klux Klan, who say they are a “white rights political organization working to promote western Christian civilization.”
Do you see a substantive difference? I don’t..."
Is he able to see a "substantive difference" between legal immigration and illegal immigration?
Below is another "news story" about another SDS demonstration at UNC---one week after they managed to "silence" Tom Tancredo:
Six arrested while speaking out against racism
Students Protest Virgil Goode and Youth for Western Civilization
by Kosta Harlan April 26, 2009
“Just one week after the racist Tom Tancredo was driven off campus by turbulent protests, the Youth for Western Civilization (YWC), a white supremacist organization, brought former Virginia congressman Virgil Goode to speak about affirmative action and immigration."
We called on students to boycott the Virgil Goode event. The media makes them out to be the victim, but we understand that YWC is a national organization funded by white supremacists,” said Ariana Lucido, a first-year student at UNC and a member of Students for a Democratic Society and Alianza. “Our protest served to give students a voice that had been silenced by Goode and YWC’s hate speech. We will continue to speak out anywhere white supremacists and racist bigots try to oppress people.”
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